TIDES is a public data system containing the world's largest ocean trash dataset, all collected by volunteers. These citizen science data are collected during the annual International Coastal Cleanup and by users of Clean Swell, Ocean Conservancy's ocean trash data collection app. When exploring this system, you can view ocean trash data at a global scale or even zoom into your local beach. Looking to do your own analysis? Easily download reports for any country, state, region or location. Don't forget to join the TIDES community and contribute your ocean trash data by downloading Clean Swell!

Citation Guidelines
When referencing TIDES data in research or publications, please use the following citation format:

Ocean Conservancy <YEAR>. Trash Information and Data for Education and Solutions (TIDES) dataset. Retrieved from: www.coastalcleanupdata.org on <DATE>
If you need a specific citation format (e.g., APA, MLA), please use a platform such as Citation Machine or contact us at [email protected] with any questions.