Our Progress So Far...
18854243 people have participated
221515 locations around the world
392952544 pounds of trash removed
639246 miles covered

Looking for ocean trash data from the past year? Center the map over a location and click a report to learn more:

See All Reports

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Ready to become part of the solution? Join this year's International Coastal Cleanup, the world's largest volunteer effort for our ocean.


Explore ocean trash data at a global scale or even zoom into your local beach. Looking to do your own analysis? Easily download reports for any country, state, region or location.

Access the Old System to Run Reports on 2008 - 2015 Data >>


Go mobile! Download Clean Swell, Ocean Conservancy's ocean trash data collection app, and start cleaning. The data you collect will be added to this map and will help guide solutions to the problem of ocean trash.

Clean Swell

Have paper data cards to enter? Enter your cleanup results in three simple steps.

Edit your existing data >>


Citation Guidelines
When referencing TIDES data in research or publications, please use the following citation format:

Ocean Conservancy <YEAR>. Trash Information and Data for Education and Solutions (TIDES) dataset. Retrieved from: www.coastalcleanupdata.org on <DATE>
If you need a specific citation format (e.g., APA, MLA), please use a platform such as Citation Machine or contact us at [email protected] with any questions.